• Windy Weather Wreaking Havoc on Your Lights? Here's Why

    If you have ever experienced your lights flickering when it's windy outside, you may wonder what causes this problem and how to fix it. Flickering lights can be annoying and even dangerous, as they may indicate a serious electrical issue that could result in a fire.    Why Your Lights Are Flickering The main reason why your lights flicker when it's windy is because of damaged wires outside your house. These wires are usually located in the weatherhead, the metal pipe connecting the overhead power line to your home.
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  • Under-Cabinet Lighting — Selection Advice For Homeowners

    When getting ready for a kitchen remodel, you first need to plan out some specific things to enhance. In terms of lighting, one of the more dramatic things you could do is invest in under-cabinet lighting. You'll be happy with this upgrade if you utilize these selection tips. Measure the Cabinets First If you're looking to add lighting to every cabinet in your kitchen, then you need to gather their dimensions on the bottom.
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  • Knowing When To Call An Electrician: Electrical Safety And Maintenance

    Electrical issues can range from minor inconveniences to serious hazards that pose a threat to your safety and property. Oftentimes, it can be challenging to determine when a professional electrician is needed or when a simple DIY fix will suffice. If you own a house, make sure you know when it's time to call a licensed electrician for help. Persistent Circuit Breaker Tripping Circuit breakers are designed to trip or shut off when an electrical circuit becomes overloaded, preventing wires from overheating and potentially causing a fire.
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  • How To Choose The Right Sports Field Lighting For Your High School

    As a high school planning to build or renovate a sports field, one of the most important considerations is the type of lighting to install. Proper sports field lighting is critical for the safety of athletes and spectators and the quality of the sports games played on it. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right sports field lighting for your high school. Light Type Several types of lighting are available for sports fields, including LED, HID, and fluorescent lights.
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  • The Importance Of Backup Generators: How They Can Save The Day

    When the electricity goes out, you're suddenly left without the ability to keep your lights on, your food cold, or your devices charged. This is where backup generators come in — they're a reliable source of power when you need it most. Here are various situations where a backup generator is helpful and why it's worth considering investing in one. Severe Weather One of the most common situations where backup generators are helpful is during severe weather.
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  • 4 Important Lighting Services Licensed Electricians Offer

    A properly illuminated space, whether a home, office, or industrial warehouse, is vital to the safety and well-being of those who occupy it. Licensed electricians are trained professionals ready and competent to provide quality lighting services, ensuring the desired environment is achieved. They will help you design and implement the right lighting system for your home, business, or workplace. Read on to discover four important lighting services licensed electricians offer.
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  • 2 Major Electrical Works Better Left To The Pros

    Electrical work can be dangerous and require a lot of specialized knowledge, so it's important to know when you should call in a professional electrician. While DIYers can handle some minor jobs, certain projects should always be left to an experienced and licensed electrician. This post highlights a few major electrical projects that you should never attempt on your own. Installing New Wiring or Electrical Devices Installing new wiring and electrical devices is one of the most basic yet important tasks when it comes to electrical work.
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  • 5 Ways That The Electrical Needs Of The Average Home Have Changed In The Recent Years

    Whether you're in the beginning stages of designing and planning new residential construction or are considering an electrical upgrade for an older home, you should be aware that the electrical needs of the average household have changed significantly in recent years. Here's what you need to know about the energy needs of the average 21st-century home.  Increased Use of Devices With the widespread adoption of individual smartphones, tablets, and other devices instead of entire families sharing a single computer and one phone, the demand for electrical outlets and charging stations has increased.
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  • Retail Lighting System Upgrades: A Significant Expense That Is Crucial For Your Success

    Retail space lighting can have a huge impact on the sales of a store. Proper lighting can help to create a positive atmosphere, draw attention to products, and make customers feel more comfortable. The right lighting can also make a store more inviting and help customers find their way around. Good lighting can also improve sales by highlighting products and drawing attention to them. Customers are more likely to purchase something they can see clearly, and the right lighting can help to make products more visible.
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  • 4 Ways A Professional Electrical Remodeling Contractor Can Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency

    Getting huge electricity bills and frequent power outages can be frustrating. It can deny you the luxury of using your appliances and gadgets without worrying about the cost. Luckily, you can make electricity usage affordable by making changes in your home's electrical system. An electrical contractor can help you install wiring systems and appliances that can reduce your electrical consumption. Here are four ways electrical remodeling contractors can improve your home's energy efficiency:
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